Is China An Imperialist Country? - Considerations and Evidence
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- Category: Statements
- Published on Monday, 21 April 2014 20:30
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- Hits: 156311
The changing shape and power relations of the crisis-ridden world imperialist system, and the emergence of heightened contradictions which foreshadow major qualitative leaps in its inter-imperialist relations and its vulnerability to new mass revolutionary challenges, is explored in this new study. Focused principally on the growing and contentious role played by China in the world system, this new study, “Is China an Imperialist Country? – Considerations and Evidence”, was produced by NB Turner and an independent research and writing group. Originally published by (an internationalist website devoted to study and debate of critical issues facing the international communist movement), it has been submitted to MLMRSG, which has now adopted it as it expresses our views as well. We encourage its study and broad distribution. (129 pages, April 2014)
Statements by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on Developments in Nepal
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- Category: Statements
- Published on Friday, 08 March 2013 15:45
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 151658
A. A major document from CPI(Maoist) to UCPN(M). It is a significant contribution to the debate over the political line of the Maoists in Nepal.
“Open Letter to Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) from the Communist Party of India (Maoist)”, dated July 20, 2009.
B. Three statements by the CPI (Maoist) between 2006 and 2008 are relevant to a serious examination of the line and strategy of the CPN (Maoist): (April 2009, 22 pp)
- "There is a Need for Caution with the Present Tactics," an exclusive interview with CPI(Maoist) spokesperson on Nepal developments, August 6, 2006;
- Press Release: "A New Nepal Can Emerge Only by Smashing the Reactionary State," November 13, 2006;
- Press Release: "The Verdict in Nepal is a Verdict against Feudal Monarchy, Indian Expansionism and U.S. Imperialism," April 24, 2008.
More on “Revolution and State Power in Nepal”
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- Category: Statements
- Published on Friday, 08 March 2013 15:43
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 143747
May 16, 2009
In keeping with the importance of supporting the people's revolution in Nepal, we have been following the rapidly changing developments after the attempted sacking of General Katawal, Chief of Staff of the reactionary Nepalese Army, by the Maoist-led government. We have also been looking more closely at the statements by party leaders following the National Conference of the Unified CPN (Maoist) held in November 2008. Finally we have developed our views on the particular circumstances posed by the revolution in Nepal. We have decided to make some further comments that clarify, correct and elaborate upon our paper of April 4, 2009.
Assessing Recent Developments in Nepal
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- Category: Statements
- Published on Friday, 08 March 2013 15:44
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 136893
A Bibliography on the State, a Peaceful Transition to Socialism, Democracy and Dictatorship, Negotiations, and their Relevance to the International Communist Movement in the 21st Century (16 pages, January 2007)
Revolution and State Power in Nepal
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- Category: Statements
- Published on Friday, 08 March 2013 15:41
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 139878
The central question in Nepal today is state power and the means by which it can be conquered and wielded in the service of the overwhelming majority of the people of Nepal. Does the present unstable Maoist-led coalition government represent the beginnings of a process leading to socialism, and a beacon and valuable resource for the worldwide struggle against capitalism and imperialism? Or is a disorienting political strategy being implemented that is unprepared for the next challenge and is blocking further advance of the revolutionary process? (April 2009, 6 pp.)
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